CDX mixer venting filters control the dust created during the batching cycle, improving both the safety of the plant and efficiency of the concrete production process. CDX filters are installed throughout the UK on pan, planetary and twinshaft mixers ranging in capacities from 500 litres to 4500 litres.
During the batching cycle the filter creates negative pressure within the mixing pan. This pressurised environment is highly effective at controlling airborne dust produced during the loading of dry materials. The result is a significant reduction in dust emissions from the mixer, keeping the mixer platform cleaner, safer and protecting site staff. The reverse jet conical cartridge system is also highly efficient, with the filtered material being returned directly back to the mixer for each batch, resulting in minimum waste.
Sales & technical literature:
ConSpare – CDX Mixer Venting Filter DataSheet
Case studies:
ConSpare – CDX MixerVent Precast Case Study